
By Stephen Brezinski.

Nashorn conversion from the ESCI 1/72 Hummel kit.

The body (sides & rear) was produced from 0.050 clear styrene card which is more in-scale thickness than the original kit parts. The kit parts were used as a template. The ammunition, radio and storage boxes are all scratchbuilt.

The gun was from a resin TP-Models Pak 43/41 kit from Mighty Military Miniatures. A somewhat crude kit good for wargaming but in need of detailing. The recuperator, sites, seat, etc. are scratchbuilt. LEVA's Pak 43 is not appropriate for this vehicle.

The front drivers area was cut out from the Hummel kit. There appear to be no Nashorns with the same front as the late Hummels. The drivers hatch area from the Hummel was salvaged for use. All the rivets were added by hand with a drill and wire.

The front gun shield area from the Hummel was retained even though it is not the same as the with the Nashorn (I was willing to go just oh-so-far for this model!).

The roadwheels are from an ESCI Pz IV kit. The front sprockets are from an ESCI Pz III kit. The suspension springs totally lack detail even though it could have been taken from ESCI's Pz IV kit. ESCI really cut some corners with their Hummel kit! I masked the bad suspension with loads of snow rather than go through the work to replace it. (I would have left it uncompleted in frustration if I were to try to fix all errors! Okay I am lazy!)

The model is set in the winter of 1944 on an icy road in Poland. I will eventually add figures of a crew surrendering to ambushing Soviet infantry.

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