CMP w/40mm Bofors AA Gun

Manufacturer: Giesbers Models (Kit # 004)

I wish someone would make this kit in 1/72nd. It's a really cool vehicle, and this is a pretty good kit.

The parts are all well cast, with only very minor flash that needs cleaning up, and only a couple of air bubbles. The vehicle is particularly nice, with excellent detail, a full interior to the cab, and textured floor to the cargo bed. The gun is only mediocre, because the plastic kit from which it was copied had numerous ejection pin marks, and sinkholes in the plastic, which have all been faithfully reproduced here. Thankfully, the original gun was a fairly detailed piece, so this resin copy is as well. Not knowing which kit the gun came from, I don't know how much additional detail was added, but it looks pretty good.

The only drawback to this kit is the lack of instructions. Looking at the large pile of parts above, it seems obvious that some sort of assembly diagram should have been included, but instead, all we're provided with are some hand-drawn profile drawings. Not exactly enough to build the kit.

This is a pretty decent model of a fairly unusual vehicle. If one has appropriate references photos, it should build into a superior model.

Tracks & Troops

Many thanks to Tracks & Troops for providing the review kit.

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